Kingsford Community School

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Unlocking Opportunities with Languages - Mingalaba Talk for Year 8

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Learning a language is a transformative journey that enhances empathy, employability, and opens doors to global opportunities. Many Kingsford pupils already speak a second or third language – and with each new language comes a key that opens doors to exciting possibilities.

On Friday 3rd February, we were delighted to welcome Steve Eadon from Mingalaba to come and speak to our Year 8 pupils. Steve's journey, from initially reluctant language learner to working for Arsenal across the globe, including holding the FA Cup, showcased the vast opportunities that language skills can unlock. As our Year 8 pupils carefully consider the GCSE courses they wish to pursue next year, Steve shared with our pupils just how far learning a language can take you.

Steve's talk emphasised the importance of languages in today's competitive world, highlighting their role in setting individuals apart and broadening their horizons. A qualification in a language demonstrates to employers that you are resilient, empathetic, and solution-focused. Not only does learning a language make you more employable, it helps you develop a cultural awareness, with emotional and social skills that will stay with you for life.

Did you know that our very own Languages Learning Area Leader, Mr Clarkson, was an interpreter at a press conference for Arsène Wenger? The opportunities with language learning are endless. Whether taking part in culture clubs and cinema trips, or making friends with people from other countries and cultures, there are plenty of ways to develop your cultural awareness and communication skills at Kingsford!



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