Kingsford Community School

Curriculum Implementation

The implementation of the Kingsford curriculum intent, not only ensures academic excellence, but also supports pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves safe and healthy, understand democracy, the importance of upholding the law and be prepared for the world of work and life in modern Britain.  The curriculum is flexible and adaptive, allowing us to prioritise giving time to important safeguarding issues as well as issues that are pertinent locally, nationally, internationally or as required by specific year groups.   

The Opportunity to Learn and Make Progress

The academic programme is open to all pupils. The school aims to create a safe and stimulating environment where all pupils are given the opportunity to develop by pursuing the national curriculum and a qualification framework that respond to their own specific interests, needs and their progression.  There are no barriers to any pupil taking any subject, other than when professional advice suggests that a particular GCSE subject or programme of study would be inappropriate for a particular pupil’s aptitude. All pupils irrespective of their need, ability, aptitude or age have access to the curriculum and are supported in making continuous progress through the teaching and learning experienced in lessons, co-curricular opportunities and the formal tracking, monitoring and reporting structures in the school.

Teaching and Learning

The curriculum is taught and assessed, using pedagogical subject expertise with a clear focus on the sequencing of learning to ensure that knowledge and skills are consolidated using the school TEEP approach which emphasises metacognition, the science of learning.  Teaching and learning is designed to ensure the experience of all learners is engaging and creates a passion for the subjects being taught. It is based on high quality and well-planned questioning and feedback that leads to every individual being fully supported and challenged to meet their potential. Pupils receive rich learning experiences centred on consolidating knowledge and skills.  Regular formative low stakes ‘assessment for learning’ takes place throughout to address misconceptions and aid planning of the ‘next steps’, while summative assessments are designed to moderate and support judgements. Pupils have opportunities to be engaged in critical thinking, to recap and recall information, knowledge and skills to improve long term memory.  A culture of being ready, being respectful and being safe underpin the behaviours and attitudes to learning. The enrichment and pastoral curriculum support the learning process and aid personalised and collective personal development.

Focus Days

Integrated into the school's curriculum planning are focus days where the normal curriculum is suspended for pupils to pursue an in depth learning focus.  On these days, pupils are given the opportunity to extend their learning into subject matters and learning styles they would not normally encounter in the classroom and learn in depth about key social and moral themes.   Focus days include an exploration of issues of health and personal wellbeing, higher education and careers education. 

Focus Days provide the opportunity to deliver content in an in-depth way, allowing pupils the opportunity to reflect, to think deeply and to discuss.  Focus Days frequently feature trips and external visitors in order to broaden and deepen pupils' learning experiences, develop positive mental well-being and social and cultural capital. 

Assemblies and Tutorials

Personal and character virtue development and positive mental well-being is an integral component of our weekly assemblies and daily tutorial activities.  There is a clear focus on a moral theme and character virtue for each week which is emphasised in assemblies, then followed up by tutors with their groups.   Tutorial activities are planned to encourage pupils to reflect and to give their opinions about relevant topical issues.

Assessment and Feedback

A computerised tracking assessment system is used by teachers to help evaluate and improve each pupil’s progress.  However, we also recognise the fundamental importance of effective marking and of giving pupils verbal and written feedback to facilitate their continued improvement and progress.  Parents and carers also receive regular feedback throughout the year and we encourage a continuous home school dialogue about each pupil’s progress and achievement.   

Curriculum Support

Kingsford Community School provides courses to meet the aptitudes and aspirations of the wide diversity of pupils interests and needs.  Throughout their careers at Kingsford Community School, we ensure that those who require extra support are given it- be they academically able or those with special educational needs.  The school has a wide ranging and carefully targeted intervention programme to ensure that all pupils are able to make the best progress they are capable of.  The Kingsford Curriculum supports pupils in achieving as highly as they can and in making sure that they make the right choices for Post-16 transition, university and the career opportunities they wish to pursue. 

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