Careers Education and Guidance
CEIAG is an entitlement for all pupils from Year 7 to Year 11.
The CEIAG provision is led by an Assistant Head Teacher who is supported by external careers advisors. This process is supported by Year Progress Leaders and Tutors under the guidance of the Assistant Head Teacher. Care is taken to provide impartial advice that suitably informs pupil choices about a broad range of Post 16 provision as well as career options. Information is available in the Careers section of the school library and pupils are facilitated to be well informed through pastoral guidance from a range of, a variety of opportunities such as information evenings, career insight visits, career inspirational talks, and careers interviews and many other informal opportunities.
The primary intent of Kingsford Community School’s Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme is to:
- Inspire, empower and prepare pupils at key transition points so that they can make well informed, realistic decisions about their future choices tailored to their personal ambitions that lead to further education, training and employment.
- Prepare pupils to become independent, develop a positive self-image, increase self-confidence and raise personal aspirations so that they can realise their full potential and become effective contributing global citizens.
- Ensure all pupils have an equal opportunity to develop key skills, knowledge and understanding, attitudes and awareness for the world of work so that they can follow an individual chosen route to further education, training which leads to employment in a preferred career choice.
- Provide high-quality, impartial advice and guidance that meets the needs of all pupils.
- Challenge stereotypes, raise aspirations and promote the importance and value of equality of opportunity in the world of work.
In line with the Baker Clause, all pupils in years 7-11 are entitled:
- To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
- To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
The CEIAG programme has been effective in enabling pupils to progress to a range of destinations. In today’s technology-rich climate and fast-changing labour market, it is more important than ever that the school provides the best range of subject-specific careers guidance possible to excite and engage our pupils to prepare for jobs that, as of yet, do not exist. The school has adopted the Gatsby Benchmarks as a foundation for measuring the quality of the CEIAG provided and runs an annual audit against the standards to inform planning for the following year.
For details of forthcoming College Open Days and application deadlines please click here.
The Careers Leader at Kingsford Community School: Mr Ricardo Green
Telephone: 0207 476 4700 Extension 218
The Careers Adviser and CEIAG Officer: Ms Laura Burbuleviciute
Telephone: 0207 476 4700 Extension 603
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance – Work Related Learning.
The Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
- A stable careers programme.
- Learning from career and labour market information.
- Addressing the needs of each pupil.
- Linking curriculum learning to careers.
- Encounters with employers and employees.
- Experiences of workplaces.
- Encounters with further and higher education.
- Personal Guidance.
Please click here for further information on how Kingsford Community School works to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.
The Careers leader at Kingsford Community School: Mr Ricardo Green
Telephone: 0207 476 4700 Extension 218
Careers Advisor and CEIAG Officer: Mr Maruf Deen
Telephone: 0207 476 4700 Extension 131
If training providers would like to talk to students about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships, please contact our Careers leader to be included in one of the schools careers fairs or talks.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance - Provider Access Policy
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of education and trainee providers to students of Kingsford Community School for the purposes of giving them information about their offer.
Statutory requirements
This complies with Kingsford Community School’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1977 and the requirements of the Statutory, Guidance, “Careers guidance and access for education and training providers” (October 2018).
Pupil Entitlement
In line with the Baker Clause, all pupils in Years 8-11 are entitled:
- To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of our careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships- through options evenings, careers fairs, assemblies, group discussions and taster events.
- To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of provider access requests:
A provider wishing to request access should contact:
Ricardo Green - Careers Lead/Assistant Head Teacher
Telephone: 0207 476 4700 Extension 218 Email:
Opportunities for access
- A number of events, integrated into our careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers.
- We actively seek to build partnerships with outside agencies, as a means of broadening our pupils’ horizons and providing them with exposure to a range of education and career pathways.
- We would encourage providers to contact our Careers Leader to find a suitable event to access pupils. All events will need a minimum lead time of six weeks.
- We run a wide range of careers and options events throughout the year, and we have the capacity to offer ad-hoc events. We particularly welcome providers’ attendance at year assemblies, where a whole year group is assembled in a hall environment and you can tailor your presentation to specific age groups. Presentations must be submitted to the Careers Leader/Admin 48 hours before the planned event.
Premises and facilities
- The school can offer a variety of hall, classroom or meeting spaces for use by providers.
- Audio-visual equipment and other specialist equipment is available to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.
- Providers are welcome to leave copies of their prospectus, or other relevant literature for distribution to pupils and families as appropriate.
Our safeguarding/child protection policy outlines the school’s procedure for checking the identity and suitability of visitors. The school policy on safeguarding, which can be found on our website, sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students. Education and training providers will be expected to adhere to this policy.
A number of events, integrated into our careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers. The school offers a number of opportunities for pupils and their parents to find out about the world of work, careers, education and training beyond Kingsford Community School:
Year Group |
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
8 |
Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Overview of CEIAG post 16 options for pupils and parents/careers, to include: A/AS Level, technical and vocational qualifications, apprenticeships and supported internships event for University and FE/HE providers. Curriculum Option Subject Assemblies. STEM link aspiration assembly/workshops. Employability raising aspiration workshops with providers and employers. |
Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Careers Week. Assembly: understanding the labour market. Preparing for a fulfilling career. Career insight assembly. Employer event for pupils, market stall event giving an overview of local, regional and national opportunities and skills requirements. Meetings with career professionals. |
Curriculum Choice taster lessons. Kudos: Exploring career opportunities. Curriculum Choice evening. Technical/vocational tasters at local colleges/training providers. Meetings with career professionals.
9 |
Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Speed Networking event with providers and employers. STEM link aspiration assembly/workshops. Event for providers of technical education/apprenticeships to include local colleges/FE colleges, UTCs. Meeting with career professionals. |
Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Careers Week Assembly: understanding the labour market. Meeting with career professionals. Career insight assembly. MA University Visits.
Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Technical/vocational tasters at local colleges/training providers. Meetings with career professionals. Kudos: Exploring Career Opportunities. Career insight assembly.
10 |
Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Meetings with career professionals. Careers Fair. 1:1 CEIAG interviews. Employability workshops- employer encounters. Drop down focus day- career activity. |
YR 10 Boss Day, Preparing for Work experience, CV, Cover/Application Letter, Interview techniques. Careers Week. Assembly: understanding the labour market. Technical/vocational tasters at local colleges/training providers. MA University Visits. |
Work experience interviews. Careers interviews. Work experience. Meetings with careers professionals. Kudos: Exploring career opportunities. Careers Life Skills assembly and tutor group opportunities. Careers advisor in school regularly and working alongside students in 1:1 CEIAG interviews. |
11 |
Careers assembly Post 16 choices, training and apprenticeships. Future pathways/higher education evenings. Careers Fair. Careers advisor in school regularly and working alongside student- 1:1 CEIAG interviews. Post 16 open evenings/College/Sixth Form Open day events/taster sessions and training providers regarding A Level, technical and vocational and apprenticeships. Meetings with career professionals. Post 16 Applications. CV update. Personal Statement. Kudos: Exploring career opportunities. |
Careers Week. Assembly: understanding the labour market. Careers advisor in school regularly and working alongside student- 1:1 CEIAG interviews. College/Sixth Form Open day /evenings events/taster courses. Apprenticeships- support with applications. Kudos: Exploring career opportunities. Post 16 Applications. CV update. Personal Statement. Post 16 interviews. |
Careers advisor in school regularly and working alongside student- 1:1 CEIAG interviews. Confirmation of post 16 education destinations for all pupils. Post 16 induction and taster sessions. |
Are you an employer or a Post 16 education provider looking to work with the school?
Kingsford Community School is keen to work with employers and post 16 education providers who can share the benefit of their skills, experiences and expertise with pupils. Many of the planned careers events require volunteers for a range of activities that take place inside and out of school, such as session facilitators or speaking at events and fairs. The school is also keen to hear about any programmes your company or provider runs relating to schools and careers.
If you would like to find out more or to volunteer for an event, please speak to the Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance - Student Career Programme
Careers Programme
Kingsford Community School is committed to embedding CEIAG across all year groups. A wide variety of events is organised for all year groups. There is also help and advice available via the school's independent careers advisor from 15 Billion, access to online careers package.
Year 7
- Careers focus assembly to raise the importance of CEIAG programme for Year 7
- Career insight assemblies with guest speakers
- Career insight visits
- Employer workshops and visits
- PSHCE career focus lessons: Identifying strengths, personal traits, employability skills, exploring career pathways in the modern world, labour market trends and subjects.
- Use of Unifrog (e-learning resource) to explore careers library and subject library and gain an awareness of how to begin to research and plan various career paths.
- Drop Down Day- Careers focus
Year 8
- Career focus assembly: to raise the importance of CEIAG programme for Year 8 and support for option choices, and employability skills.
- Dropdown day careers focus session.
- Curriculum choice options evening
- Career insight assemblies with guest speakers
- Employer workshops and education visits
- Career insight visits
- Use of Unifrog (e-learning resource) to explore careers library and subject library and gain an awareness of how to begin to research and plan various career paths.
- PSHCE career focus lessons: Identifying strengths, personality traits, and employability skills, exploring career pathways in the modern world, labour market information and exploring subject information and supporting GCSE curriculum option choices.
- Curriculum choice assemblies by all learning areas
- Subject taster lessons to support curriculum choices for
- Identified students to have careers interview with careers advisor for additional support.
Year 9
- Career focus assembly to raise the importance of CEIAG programme for Year 9
- Career insight assemblies with guest speakers
- Employer workshops and education visits
- Career insight visits
- Aspirational university visits
- Taster weeks and lessons
- Use of Unifrog (e-learning resource) to explore careers library and subject library and post 16 pathways for further and higher education, apprenticeships and training leading to employment.
- PSHCE career focus lessons: Identifying strengths, personality traits, and employability skills, Financial literacy, exploring career pathways, labour market information and exploring subject information.
- Identified students to have careers interview with careers advisor for additional support
- Dropdown day careers focus session using Unifrog- “Goal Setting and Geeking Out Challenge” and exploring key employability skills.
- Careers information during parent’s evenings.
Year 10
- Career focus assembly to raise the importance of CEIAG programme for Year 10, Boss Day and preparing for work experience, subject career assemblies by subject leaders promoting different career pathways linked to the curriculum.
- Career insight assemblies with guest speakers
- Employer workshops and education visits
- Career insight visits
- Use of Unifrog (e-learning resource) to explore careers library and subject library and post 16 pathways for further and higher education, apprenticeships and training leading to employment.
- Tutor Career-focused sessions during registration
- Unifrog lesson – Goal Setting and Geeking Out and “The Big 50” Short 5 min career bursting activities led by tutors during the summer term.
- Identified students to have careers interview with careers advisor for additional support
- YR 10 Boss Day- Preparing for work experience, CV, letter, application and interview techniques
- Mock interviews with corporate providers
- Exploring Post 16 pathways, higher and further education, apprenticeships and training opportunities
- Two full weeks of work experience meeting pupils interests
- Careers Fair and exhibition at Excel
- Aspirational university visits
- Taster weeks and lessons.
- Careers interview with careers advisor for students identified that need additional support.
- Careers information during parent’s evenings.
Year 11
- Career focus assembly to raise the importance of CEIAG programme for Year 11, preparing for exams, life skills and post 16 pathways into further and higher education, apprenticeships and training opportunities.
- Subject career assemblies by subject leaders promoting different career pathways linked to the curriculum.
- Apprenticeship assembly
- After school drop-in sessions with tutors to complete college application forms.
- Advice and guidance for college applications.
- College visitors to assemblies
- Career insight assemblies with guest speakers
- Employer workshops and education visits
- Career insight visits
- Tutor Career-focused sessions during registration
- Unifrog - “The Big 50” Short 5 min career bursting activities led by tutors during the spring term.
- Curriculum choice assemblies by all learning areas
- Subject taster lessons to support curriculum choices for
- All students to have careers interview with careers advisor for additional support
- Mock interviews with corporate providers
- Exploring Post 16 pathways, higher and further education, apprenticeships and training opportunities
- Two full weeks of work experience meeting pupils interests
- Careers Fair and exhibition
- Aspirational university visits
- Taster weeks and lessons.
- Careers interview with careers advisor for students identified that need additional support.
- Careers information during parent’s evenings.
- College and sixth form open days and events
- Careers Fair
- Support for collating a progress file to support Post 16 choices
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance - Careers Advice
There are lots of useful resources and websites you can look for further information about possible career options.
National Careers Service - All you need to know about careers
Success at School - Success at School is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice
iCould - Careers quiz, as well as videos for inspiration and articles about different careers and industries.
Mykindafuture - Use My Kinda Future to build your profile, make CVs and connect with a range of employers.
Start – Get personalised suggestions of careers suited to your personality, interests and skills.
Career Pilot - Use Career Pilot to research a wide array of different roles and sectors.
Careers Box TV - Exploring and listening to information about potential careers.
National Careers Week - Events and activities at National Careers Week.
Careers4u - Videos from professionals in a wide variety of careers and sectors.
All About Careers - Take a careers test and explore different types of careers.
Careers Gateway - Links to information about careers and higher education.
Student Room - Forum, advice, GCSE, A Level, University, jobs, finance, revision.
UCAS - Search for post-16 courses and colleges.
Health Careers - Jobs and careers in health and medical sector.
Social and Health Careers - Social and Health careers, videos and interactive website.
Future Morph - Careers using Science and Maths.
Creative Careers - Information about creative careers, including college courses, Open Events and apprenticeships.
National Volunteer - Become a Volunteer.
Life Skills - This is an excellent website that you can work through to build employability skills and win the chance to do work experience.
Not Going Uni - The Not Going to Uni team helps you find apprenticeships, college courses or work experience to start building your future.
Glassdoor - Labour Market Information and all you need to know about a profession.
Careers Box TV - Exploring and listening to information about potential careers.
Go Think Big - Tips and tools to explore careers, and advice on getting work placements.
Target Jobs - Fill out a questionnaire and get a tailored careers report.
Student Ladder - Information and advice for all stages in your journey towards your career.
Talking Jobs - Interviews and videos from different people working in a variety of careers.
Moving on Magazine - Potential choices after leaving school.
Careers Gateway - Links to information about careers and higher education
Bright Knowledge - Careers, education and student life.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance - GCSE Curriculum Options Guidance
To support pupils with GCSE curriculum choices please see guidance below:
All About School Leavers - Advice on options available to you when you are choosing your GCSEs
Studential GCSE Options - Information and advice on how to choose your GCSE subjects
iCould GCSE Options - Videos to help you discover what your GCSEs can do to help you
Success at School - Knowing more about what you can do with studying a subject at GCSE
Which University GCSE Options - Article discussing how important it is to think about which GCSE subjects to take.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance - Post 16+ Options
Newham Council has shared a comprehensive guide for Secondary School pupils, detailing the variety of courses available for 16-18 year olds as they prepare for their next steps post-16 and beyond: Guide to 16-18 Courses for Senior School pupils.
Newham Careers Education Business Partner 15 Billion has shared the following documents which are useful for Year 11 Pupils and Parents:
Post-16 Open Days and Evenings: Kingssford Careers Team has created a comprehensive list of upcoming open days and application deadlines for local sixth form colleges and Post-16 providers. This regularly updated resource will help plan visits and understand application timelines to ensure important opportunities are not missed.
Labour Market Information:
When pupils start to think about future options and make curriculum choices and explore Post 16 choices, it is important to think not only about what are their careers interests, but also job availability in that sector.
The link below will help you compare careers and job salary in different sectors to get more information on what those job roles entail.
The National Careers Service provide 'job profiles' where you can find out more about particular jobs, which also includes relevant information on LMI relevant to that job. For example, if you searched for 'GP', this is the type of LMI you might see National Careers Service - GP LMI.
Exploring Post 16 Choices and Career Options:
Choosing A Levels:
National Career Service - Information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work
Informed Choices - Information and advice on the best subject choices for university.
A-Level Choices - Some excellent advice around choosing A-Level subjects, if you scroll to the bottom, you can input three A-Level subjects and then it gives a university degree and job matches.
All About School Leavers: What you can do with A Levels - Information on what opportunities you have after doing A Levels.
Studential: How to choose A Levels- Information and advice on choosing your A Level subjects.
Student Ladder: Choosing A Levels - Advice and information about A Levels and what subject to take.
Subject Choices - Information and advice on the best subject choices for university.
Vocational and Technical Award Qualifications:
BTECs - BTECs are an increasingly popular alternative to A-levels as a route to university – here’s what you need to know.
A-Levels or BTECs - A-levels or BTECs - which is the best path for you? Read the comparison guide to help you decide on the next options you should pursue.
Milkround - Resources to explore apprenticeships, traineeships and school leaver schemes.
Prospects --Lots of information about career advice and job sectors.
Apprenticeships - All you need to know about apprenticeships.
Find an apprenticeship: Government Site - Information from Gov.UK.
Not Going to University - Information for alternatives to university.
UCAS Alternatives to Higher Education - Information about alternatives to higher education from UCAS.
Career Map - Apprenticeship vacancies.
Huffpost Students - Videos about apprenticeships.
Vision Apprenticeships - A website to help to find an apprenticeship.
QA Apprenticeships - A company which offers business and IT related apprenticeships.
The Apprenticeship Guide - Guide to apprenticeships, including higher apprenticeships.
Success at School: How to Find an Apprenticeship - Different ways in which to get an apprenticeship.
Babington Group - A company which helps find an apprenticeship in a range of sectors.
GetMyFirstJob - A site for you to find apprenticeships and traineeships.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance - Exploring Career Sectors
The links below will provide further information about possible career options by a wide range of different sectors. It will be a good way for students to explore the different types of careers that exist in the world of work.
Accounting, Banking and Finance
Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (CISI) - Professional body for the securities and investments industry, with information on careers and apprenticeships
BDO - School Leavers - A programme to specialise in accountancy
Association for Accounting Technicians (AAT) - Organisation which runs a range of courses for developing skills and knowledge in accountancy and how to gain a qualification to be an accounting technician
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) - Professional body with information about careers in accountancy and how to gain a qualification to be a chartered accountant
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) - Professional body with information about careers in accountancy and how to gain a qualification to be a chartered certified accountant
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) - Professional body with information about careers in accountancy and how to gain a qualification to be a chartered management accountant
Ernst & Youngs - School Leavers -A programme to specialise in assurance, corporate, finance or tax
Grant Thornton - Business which offers internships and school leavers programme to young people
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP - The PricewaterhouseCoopers website provides students with access to lots of useful information on careers in accountancy or finance.
BPP - Organisation which offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in aspects of business and accountancy
Bank of England- The PricewaterhouseCoopers website provides students with access to lots of useful information on careers in accountancy or finance.
Business Consulting and Management
iCould: Sir Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Group
iCould: Gwenyth Barker - Relationship Manager for IBM
iCould: Victoria Pattinson - Business Development Manager at WPP
Institute of Consulting - Professional body for Consultants
Chartered Management Institute - Professional body for chartered management and leadership.
Child Care
Creative Arts and Design
Creative Skills Set - Information and support for all aspects of creative arts.
Go Think Big - Tips and tools to explore creative careers and advice on getting placements.
Creative Industries - Information on all different types of creative industries in the UK.
Creative and Cultural Skills - Information, help and advice on a career using creative skills.
The Design Trust - Resources and information about business within the design sector.
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance - one year undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) - Academy which offers a wide range of courses.
Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance - Drama school offering a wide range of courses in theatre and performance, and has careers advice.
Guildhall School of Music and Drama - Offers a wide range of courses in music and drama.
e15 Acting School at the University of Essex - Offering undergraduate courses including acting and stage management.
Conservatoire for Dance and Drama - Gateway courses including circus, dance and drama.
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama - Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
British Old Vic Theatre School - Full time professional training courses.
My First Job in Film - Online community for graduate of creative arts.
Careers in Music - Information and advice on a career in Music.
Future Talent - Charity which provides financial support and guidance to young musicians age 5 - 18 years.
Engineering and Manufacturing
Engineering Construction Industry Training Board - Advice, information and skills development in Engineering Construction, and information on career routes
Costain - Large international engineering firm with information on a variety of pathways into engineering, including work placements for students
Babcock - Engineering support service with information on careers and apprenticeships
AMEC Foster Wheeler - Large international engineering firm with traineeship opportunities
Volkswagen: Car Manufacturing - Advance apprenticeship programmes and experience in technical aspects and customer service
Semta: Apprenticeships- Company which helps find apprenticeship opportunities in the engineering sector
EDT - Largest provider of STEM enrichment activities for UK youth
Start ups - Useful information into how to set up a business.
Prince's Trust - The Enterprise Programme - Enterprise programme to help develop entrepreneur skills with applications for financial assistance.
Environment and Agriculture
LANTRA - Information and advice on jobs when working within the agriculture and environment sector.
Institute of Agricultural Management - Professional body for people working within the agricultural sector.
Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) - Professional body for people working within the environment and sustainability sector, with information and advice about careers.
Careers in Fashion explore careers in fashion.
Go Think Big - Tips and tools to explore careers in the fashion industry and advice on getting work placements.
Hair and Beauty
Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) - Company which offers a wide range of make-up, hair and beauty courses
Francesso Group - Large award winning hairdressing companies which offers a range of training courses and apprenticeships
iCould: Shahn Gladman - Beauty Manger at Virgin Active
iCould: Linda Morton - Make up designer at Primeval
Pure Potential Medical Applicants - Information and advice about applying for a medical course at university.
Skills for Care - Company offering apprenticeships within the healthcare sector.
NHS Careers - Detail about the wide range of careers within the NHS.
Social and Health Careers -Social and Health careers, videos and interactive website
Nursing & Midwifery Council – Great website to learn about Nursing and Midwifery
Step into the NHS - Videos, case studies and a way to map your career in the NHS
Care UK - Company offering training while working, from diplomas to apprenticeships
Talking Jobs - Health module - Explore a career in healthcare with videos and interviews to help