Kingsford Community School

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Kingsford pupils lead thought-provoking literary discussion with renowned Austrian cartoonist at exclusive international event in London

We are proud to share with you the exceptional participation and leadership of 21 Kingsford pupils at an exclusive event featuring renowned Austrian cartoonist and illustrator Nicolas Mahler, which took place on Wednesday, 2 October 2024, at Europe House, London. The event, centred around Mahler’s Komplett Kafka exhibition, saw our pupils shine for their cultural awareness, grasp of literary concepts, and insightful contributions during the interactive session.


The Komplett Kafka exhibition is being held as part of the Kafka(esque) Season celebrating the legacy of Austrian-Czech novelist Franz Kafka. Nicolas Mahler, acclaimed for his minimalist and humorous approach to illustration, captivated the audience with his exploration of Kafka’s complex literary world. The presentation, which was conducted in German with English interpretation by Barbara Fichter, an official interpreter for the European Parliament, was followed by an engaging Q&A session.

Our pupils demonstrated exceptional curiosity and preparation, as they actively led the interactive portion of the event. In fact, they asked almost all the questions during the session, impressing both the artist and other attendees with their thoughtful inquiries. Some of the standout questions posed by our pupils included:

  • What image comes to mind when you think of Kafka’s work, and how do you interpret it through your illustrations?

  • How do you feel about the fact that Kafka wanted most of his work destroyed, but his friend Max Brod published it posthumously?

  • Do you see Kafka’s work as depressing, or do you interpret it with a sense of humour, as your illustrations often suggest?

  • How do you begin your creative process, particularly when working on a complex figure like Kafka?


These insightful questions not only sparked deeper discussions but also highlighted the pupils’ strong understanding of Kafka’s literary themes and grasp of Mahler’s artistic interpretation. The pupils’ confidence and intellectual curiosity were met with admiration from both Mahler and the other guests, with Mahler personally complimenting them on their depth of engagement.

One Kingsford pupil reflected on the cultural experience, saying, “It was incredible to interact directly with such a renowned artist. His insights on Kafka were eye-opening, and it made me think about literature in a whole new way. Being able to ask questions and get such detailed answers was a unique and inspiring experience.”

The event had a lasting impact on our pupils, broadening their understanding of the relationship between literature and visual arts. Many left the event inspired, with a newfound appreciation for the power of graphic storytelling in conveying complex philosophical ideas. This unique experience also allowed the pupils to enhance their language skills through the bilingual format of the event.

The school is immensely proud of those who attended for their outstanding contributions, which not only showcased their academic abilities but also their enthusiasm for participating in cultural and intellectual dialogues.


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