Kingsford Community School

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Inclusion Champions! Kingsford Continues to be Recognised as an Outstanding Inclusive School 

Kingsford is honoured to be named a National Inclusion Champion for the 2024-25 school year by the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM). Just nine schools out of thousands across the country were selected for this award. We are proud to receive this important recognition for our diverse and welcoming educational provision where every child knows the value of being kind, academic excellence is fostered and every child is supported to succeed and excel.

Our Head Teacher, Ms Deslandes said: “I am immensely proud that Kingsford has been named a National Inclusion Champion school. This recognition reflects the hard work and dedication of our pupils, staff, and governors and the supportive parent body of our school family. Together we have created a learning environment where everyone is celebrated for who they are and the talents they bring. Congratulations to all!” 

Kingsford offers outstanding support and a unique, enriching and tailored curriculum that caters to each pupil’s academic strengths as well as their individual interests and needs. From STEM and Arts programmes, sports teams to language and cultural clubs, we offer opportunities that allow pupils to explore their passions, experience new challenges and build confidence, preparing them for future success. 

Kingsford actively engages with other educational institutions across the UK and the world to promote the best inclusive practices. We have welcomed many high-profile national and international visitors, who frequently comment on our school’s academic rigour, welcoming nature and tangibly strong educational community ethos. 

This recognition as a National Inclusion Champion is the fruit of our dedication to inclusivity in education and our mission to ensure that every child has a strong sense of belonging at Kingsford. We are proud of this achievement and remain committed to continuing to foster a learning environment where every pupil is supported and celebrated. 

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